The issue of foreign domestic helpers or household workers has remained a topic of debate for some time. While some people argue that these workers take away jobs from locals, others believe that there is a need for them in the workforce. This debate has also spilled over to the wages these workers receive, and that’s what we aim to explore in this blog post. Specifically, we will carry out a comparative study on Foreign domestic helper salary (外傭工資), to help shed light on the wage structures in different countries.
To begin with, Hong Kong has one of the highest numbers of foreign domestic helpers in the world, with the majority of them coming from the Philippines and Indonesia. These workers are employed under a live-in arrangement, where they work for their employers for a maximum of 10 hours per day, with one rest day every week. On average, the minimum monthly salary for these workers is HKD 4,520 (USD 583), but it can be higher depending on their experience and skills.
On the other hand, Singapore, which also has a high number of foreign domestic workers, has a slightly different wage structure than Hong Kong. Similar to Hong Kong, these workers are employed under a live-in arrangement, where they work for their employers for a maximum of 8 hours per day, with one rest day every week. However, the minimum monthly salary for these workers is SGD 550 (USD 419), which is slightly lower than that of Hong Kong.
In the Middle East, the situation is a bit different. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar have different wage structures for foreign domestic helpers. In Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, for instance, the workers are employed under a live-in arrangement and work for their employers for a maximum of 12 hours per day, with one rest day per week. The minimum monthly salary for these workers is around USD 350. However, in Qatar, the minimum monthly salary for foreign domestic helpers is USD 157, which is significantly lower than that of other countries.
In Canada, the wage structure for foreign domestic helpers differs depending on the province. However, the general rule is that these workers should be paid a minimum weekly salary of CAD 560, which is roughly USD 432. This amount can be higher, depending on the employer, the duties assigned, as well as the duration of the contract. Some employers in Canada also provide benefits such as paid sick leave, paid vacation, and otherbonus opportunities.
Lastly, in the United States, foreign domestic workers can receive varying salaries depending on the city or state they work in. However, the general rule is that they should be paid at least the minimum wage of the state. On average, foreign domestic helpers in the US receive a minimum hourly wage of USD 7.25 – USD 10.50. They are also entitled to benefits and overtime pay, depending on the state regulations and the employer.
In conclusion, we’ve explored the wage structures for foreign domestic helpers in different countries around the world. As we’ve seen, the minimum monthly salary can range from USD 157 (Qatar) to USD 583 (Hong Kong). It’s also worth noting that the working conditions, such as the number of hours worked per day and rest days given per week, also vary from country to country. Ultimately, it’s important to recognize that foreign domestic helpers contribute significantly to the workforce, and it’s critical that they’re treated fairly and paid appropriately.